Monday, March 8, 2010

I know it has been forever.

I know I know, it has been forever. Well, I have a very good reason. On January 15th I started school. I am finishing my teaching degree. I go to school on Fridays and Saturdays for four weeks for each class. I have completed 2 classes so far and am starting number 3 on Friday. With these classes being 4 week they are very busy. Once I complete this next class I will be done until July. I can't wait.

I am still working at Clyde Cox as a SEC aide. I get attacked on a regular basis from 6 year olds. Gotta love the job. I just need to finish this week and then I am on track break for 2 weeks and then Spring Break. I can't wait. 4 days to go.

While I have been working 2 jobs, and going to school, I have also been doing some crafts.

I found this really cute material and decided to make a quilt for Eva. I am still working on it but this is what the layout it.

I have also been working on a quit for Cris. I found this great Toy Story fleece. So I cut the edges and then tied it. He loved it. Cristi says that he took the Toy Story blanket instead of the Incredibles one. Score!!!! Maybe one day he will like me.

While I have been on track break I have been busy. To start it off I threw a bridal shower for Kim. That was a whole lot of fun and I was so happy it turned out.

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